Dane Barbados Jr. follows up
Reviews of The Devil's Rejects:
"Every character is repugnant, yet writer/director Zombie's sympathies seem to lie with the killers - a group whose abominations make the Manson Family's acts appear tame."
-James Berardinelli
"It is premature to label a movie as the worst of the year. However, it is hard to imagine anything being a more grueling, unpleasant experience than "The Devil's Rejects"
This is naught but a small sampling of the nonsense that these supposed "men" spew. I must ask the people: How can a grown man want to flee a film because it is violent?
Is the film violent? Oh yes, deliciously, wonderfully so. Is it mysoginistic? Gloriously so. One would think that people whom derive their income from wating copious amounts of films would understand that these elements are required as it is a direct homage to the grindhouse films of yore.
And that is not it:
"To make matters worse, he is still an awful writer (lines like "You better say some Mark Twain stuff because it's going to be on your tombstone" are unintentionally hilarious). He allows his actors to go way over the top; as a result, the killers come across as cartoonish and annoying rather than menacing."
To begin the line is misquoted. What was said is "You better say some Mark Twain shit because it's getting chisled on your tombstone."
In additon how far must one's head be deposited into his own rectum and buried with undeserved smugness to take something that is obvioulsy meant to be comedic and take it to be "unintentional?"
Not only a lack of testicles...also one of brains it seems. Pity that.
Is "The Devil's Rejects" the best movie ever made? Obviously not as it was not written, directed an produced by Dane Barbados Jr. However that is not to say that presumptuous, ball-less, reviewers need to hark on the violence. Would one expect smiling teddie bears in a film entitled "The Devil's Rejects?" One would only hope that the people are more intelligent than these few...though I do not have high hopes.
If this is truly the state of your men you may deposit your of age daughters, sisters and wives under the age of 40 to my doorstep now. You clearly are not worthy of female attention or equipped to fulfil their desires.
Remember kids, Dane Barbados Jr. says: Fuck eunichs.
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